Saturday, August 10, 2013

It's Raining Sharks

So here's a fun little tidbit:  my partner, whom I wrote and produced Mutant Vampire Zombies From The Hood with awhile back, ends up writing "Sharknado".  As you may know already, that little pix has gone more viral than your basic herpes outbreak.  We've acquired the Gersh Agency as our reps and are now pitching a parody of the old Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea series to networks. It's called DIVE! Please wish us luck. 

My last three books of the year remain sequels to Gray Area and the nearly completed action-thriller, The Lynx Factor. 

Do try to catch Sharknado, as my partner Thunder Levin, will be most appreciative.  It hits theaters next Friday.  They don't make the classics like they used to!  It be raining sharks, mon!