Monday, May 19, 2014

Stuff in the Air!

So, I believe March and April had to be two of the crappiest months I've ever known. Forget about the Malaysian Flight 370 pulling a Twilight Zone episode or the Korean ferry disaster. Those are pretty miserable events, but look at what is happening in the Ukraine and here in the U.S.  A very pretty girl in Connecticut was stabbed to death at her school by some crazy little bastard who said, and I quote, upon being captured:  "Wait, I'm not done killing people." And then we have that idiot rancher in Nevada, spouting filth about slavery and folks of color.  Then ... and I don't think I'm the only one voicing my perennial pithy ire ... there's the tax thing.  I dunno ... sometimes life is just plain overwhelming.  Okay, I'm done on my rant, thank you very much.

Other news:  I launched The Lynx Factor, my first book of three, in the series. This was done in February. Other books will be launched in May and July. The Lynx Factor is in the Ludlum genre of terrorism and espionage. Peter Lynx is the most unique hero you will ever encounter. An ex-Navy Seal/mortician who must deal with Al Qaeda on American turf.  I continue to labor away on my sequels to Gray Area and I would have been done with them months ago had not the need to pay rent reared its ugly head with work. My film A Fatal Obsession, starring Eric Roberts, took up most of January and my other film, Changing Lives, starring my friend, Mark Dacascos (who is also directing) took up February and March. Five days have already been shot in Moscow, with remaining shooting to resume in May. I shall be in Russia for a week or so at that time.

So there's the latest update, ramblers.  Keep reading! And stay out of trouble. And to those writers in the fore, remember:  Write about something worth reading ... or do something worth writing about.  Cheers!